| 1 | | | Item | Cleveland City Council Meeting Notice for April 17, 2023 | | |
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| 1 | | | Communication | From Senior Strategist Calley Mersmann, Office of the Mayor, City of Cleveland. Pursuant to Ord. 370-2022 (“Complete and Green Streets”), notice of acceptance of a technical assistance award from City Thread for services valued at $50,000 for development of the City’s Active Transportation Plan. | received and filed | |
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| 1 | | | Communication | From Amanda Gordon, Counsel to University Circle, Inc. Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Chapter 1710, in connection with creation of the University Circle Special Improvement District, articles of incorporation, initial services plan, and executed petitions of property owners. | received and filed | |
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| 1 | | | Communication | #9353582. Transfer of Ownership Application, D5. Walter Stewart Enterprise LLC, 16826 Lakeshore Blvd. (Ward 8). | received and filed | |
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| 1 | | | Communication | #76440690005. Transfer of License Application, C2 C2X. Sadguru 1 Krupa LLC, 6226 Memphis Ave. (Ward 13). | received and filed | |
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| 1 | | | Communication | #0251466. Transfer of Ownership Application, C1 C2. AR Florist, 10664 Carnegie Ave. (Ward 6). | received and filed | |
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| 1 | | | Communication | #7578009. Transfer of Ownership Application, C2 C2X. Ruccail Market LLC, 9901 Loretta Ave. (Ward 11). | received and filed | |
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| 1 | | | Ceremonial Resolution | Condolence Resolution for Marcella Cleveland Atturberry | read into the record | |
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| 1 | | | Ceremonial Resolution | Condolence Resolution for James Rodregus Williams | read into the record | |
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| 1 | | | Ceremonial Resolution | Condolence Resolution for Tyrone Steven Gillum | read into the record | |
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| 1 | | | Ceremonial Resolution | Condolence Resolution for John Linton Chennault | read into the record | |
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| 1 | | | Ceremonial Resolution | Condolence Resolution for Lucy Leontine Burpo | read into the record | |
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| 1 | | | Ceremonial Resolution | Condolence Resolution for Dennis "Denny" McCormack | read into the record | |
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| 1 | | | Ceremonial Resolution | Condolence Resolution for Anna "Anica" Knuz | read into the record | |
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| 1 | | | Ceremonial Resolution | Congratulations Resolution for Aaeshah N. Luton | read into the record | |
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| 1 | | | Ceremonial Resolution | Congratulations Resolution for Wendell H. Fields Baseball League - 10th Anniversary | read into the record | |
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| 1 | | | Ceremonial Resolution | Congratulations Resolution for Beta Lambda Omega Chapter - Iota Phi Theta Fraternity | read into the record | |
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| 1 | | | Ceremonial Resolution | Recognition Resolution for American Public Works Association | read into the record | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To amend Section 2 of Ordinance No. 1294-2022, passed December 5, 2022, relating to establishing the Strategic Priority Subfund. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To authorize the Director of Finance to enter into an amendment to Contract No. PS 2018-165 with ACL Services Ltd. for Audit Management Software as a Service, or audit management software, and other services for the Department of Finance, to extend the term of the contract for a period of one year, with two one-year options to renew, exercisable by the Director of Finance. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To supplement the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland Ohio, 1976 by amending section 162.01 as amended by Ordinance No. 373-2022 passed June 6, 2022, and enacting new Section 173.18 relating to compensation for the Cleveland Commission on Black Women and Girls. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Port Control to enter into one or more written standard purchase and requirement contracts without competitive bidding with Johnson Controls, Inc. for labor and materials needed to maintain, repair and expand proprietary fire alarm and suppression systems, including any parts, materials, equipment, supplies, services and installations necessary, for the various divisions of the Department of Port Control, for a period of two years, with two one-year options to renew, exercisable by the Director of Port Control. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To supplement the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio, 1976, by enacting new Section 143.05 relating to agreements for student intern and extern programs. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Determining the method of making the public improvement of the demolition and removal of the existing security guard station at 12302 Kirby Avenue, installing a new security guard station, and making site improvements; and authorizing the Director of Public Utilities to enter into one or more public improvement contracts for the making of the improvement. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Port Control to employ one or more professional consultants to provide executive airport development programming, financing, planning, design and related services; and authorizing the Director to apply for and accept any gifts, grants or services from any public or private entity, for the Department of Port Control for a period of one year, with four two-year options to renew, the third of which requires additional legislative authority. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Public Utilities to enter in one or more requirement contracts of various types of fencing, gate operators, gates, vertical pivot lift gates, barriers, walls, and guardrails, including associated appurtenances, and labor and materials necessary to repair or maintain existing equipment and appurtenances, including installation if necessary at various facilities, for the divisions of the Department of Public Utilities, for a period up to two years. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the purchase by one or more requirement contracts for the purchase of services and materials necessary to maintain and repair pumps, electric motors, controls and appurtenances including but not limited to inspection, supplies, repairing and testing if necessary, for the Division of Water, Department of Public Utilities, for a period up to two years. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing Director of Public Utilities to enter into one or more requirement contracts for landscape materials, equipment, supplies, and services needed for testing, maintaining, installing, repairing, and replacing landscaping at City-owned or leased Public Utility facilities and City right-of-ways, for the Divisions of Water, Water Pollution Control, and Cleveland Public Power, and the Office of Radio Communications, Department of Public Utilities, for a period of two years. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the purchase by one or more requirement contracts of petroleum-based fuels for backup generators, including delivery and supporting services, for the various divisions of the Department of Public Utilities, for a period of two years. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the purchase by one or more requirement contracts of valves, actuators, and appurtenances, and labor and materials needed to repair, replace, maintain, exercise, and test existing valves, valve actuators and valve appurtenances, and to provide related services, for the Division of Water, Department of Public Utilities, for a period of two years. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a Utilities Repair Agreement with the County of Cuyahoga to pay or reimburse directly related costs incurred by the County for the repair of storm and sanitary sewer lines, on an as-needed basis, for a period of two years, with one option to renew for an additional one-year period, exercisable by the Director of Public Utilities. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Finance to employ one or more consultants, computer software developers, or vendors or one or more firms of consultants, computer software developers, or vendors necessary to implement various technology projects, services, and upgrades to existing systems under the 2023 ITS Capital Project Plan, other related professional services to implement the Plan; and to enter into various contracts to implement this ordinance. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Port Control to enter into one or more maintenance and repair agreements to reimburse up to five signatory airlines for costs needed to provide repairs, preventative maintenance and renovation services for leased City-owned passenger boarding bridges, for the Division of Airports, Department of Port Control. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Economic Development to enter into, or cause to be entered into, one or more agreements to provide economic development assistance for commercial corridor projects in Cleveland’s Southeast Side neighborhoods and other agreements; and authorizing the Director to apply for and accept any gifts, grants or services from any public or private entity. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Directors of Community Development and Economic Development, as appropriate, to enter into one or more agreements for professional services necessary to prepare several vacant sites for development and authorizing other agreements; authorizing the directors to apply for and accept any gifts, grants or services from any public or private entity; authorizing the Mayor and the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to acquire, accept, and record all real property and permanent and temporary easements to implement this ordinance; and authorizing other contracts. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Public Utilities to employ one or more professional consultants to administer, implement, and manage the Department of Public Utilities’ Youth Employment Program and authorizing one or more contracts with public entities, individuals, or communities for purposes of implementing the program, for a period of one year, with two one-year options to renew, exercisable by the Director of Public Utilities; and authorizing the Director to apply for and accept any gifts, grants or services from any public or private entity. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Community Development to enter into one or more agreements with United Way of Greater Cleveland, as the lead partner organization, to implement a program to provide access to legal services for covered individuals in eviction proceedings under Section 375.12 of the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio, 1976, Legal Representation in Housing Court. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Finance to enter into a Donor Advised Agreement with The Cleveland Foundation to establish, manage, and implement a City of Cleveland Neighborhood Safety Fund to provide grants for programs, interventions, and initiatives serving Cleveland residents that address the root causes of and effects from violence. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Economic Development to enter into one or more contracts with the Cuyahoga County Land Reutilization Corporation aka the County Land Bank for professional services to implement and manage a Site Readiness for Good Jobs Project for future redevelopment and job attraction and retention; authorizing other agreements; and authorizing the appropriate director to apply for and accept any gifts, grants or services from any public or private entity. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Determining the method of making the public improvement of constructing improvements to the North Coast Harbor identified under the Capital Improvement Plan; and authorizing the Director of Port Control to enter into one or more public improvement contracts for the making of the improvement; and authorizing the Director of Port Control to enter into various written standard purchase and requirement contracts needed for the purchase of lighting, signage, landscaping, and other outdoor furnishings and amenities, including labor and installation, to implement the Capital Improvement Plan, for the Department of Port Control. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Determining the method of making the public improvement of constructing roadway, traffic calming, and park and recreation improvements under the Back to Basics City-wide Infrastructure Improvement Program, including making site improvements and appurtenances; and authorizing the Director of Public Works or Capital Projects, as appropriate, to enter into one or more public improvement contracts, professional services, and other contracts; to apply for and accept grants and gifts; and authorizing the direct employment of the necessary labor, for the Department of Public Works and Office of Capital Projects. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Community Development to enter into one or more agreement for professional services to establish, implement, and manage a revolving loan fund for a home repair and rehabilitation program for Cleveland’s Southeast Side neighborhoods and to enter into other agreements; and authorizing the Director to apply for and accept any gifts, grants or services from any public or private entity. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Resolution | AN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Declaring April 2023 as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Cleveland. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Resolution | AN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Opposing House Bill 12, that renames the State Department of Education to the Department of Education and Workforce and revises and transfers most of its powers and duties to the newly-created, governor-appointed Director of Education and Workforce. | read and referred to administrative review | |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Resolution | AN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Fixing the 2023 summer schedule of meetings of the Council of the City of Cleveland. | adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Resolution | AN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Designating April 11- April 17, 2023, as Black Maternal Health Week in Cleveland and recognizing Black Birth Matters, a collaborative partnership between Birthing Beautiful Communities, Pregnant with Possibilities Resource Center and Village of Healing for their ongoing efforts to raise awareness for Black maternal and infant health. | adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Directing a portion of the City’s Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund payment to respond to the public health emergency or its negative economic impacts by improving effective delivery of government services with respect to the digital scanning, indexing and other related services of the Bureau of Fire Prevention’s occupancy/incident reports, and authorizing the one or more requirement contracts for such scanning, to be encumbered March 3, 2021, and ending December 31, 2024. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Capital Projects to accept a gift of real estate from The NRP Group LLC, or its designee, for purposes of planning, designing, and constructing a trail to connect the Cleveland Lakefront Bikeway to Herman Park. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Capital Projects to enter into a maintenance, inspection and repair agreement with and to issue a permit to the Cleveland Clinic Foundation to encroach into the public right-of-way above East 89th Street by constructing, installing, using, and maintaining an overhead pedestrian bridge. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Public Safety to accept a donation of magnetometers from the Cleveland Browns Stadium Company LLC for use by the Division of Police. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Directing a portion of the City’s Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund payment to respond to the public health emergency or its negative economic impacts by engaging Ernst & Young, LLP to provide professional services to develop a strategic plan modernizing City Hall operations in furtherance of improving the design and execution of programs responding to the public health emergency or its negative impacts, and authorizing agreements for same, for an amount not to exceed $1,550,000, to be encumbered March 3, 2021, and ending December 31, 2024. | approved as amended | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Finance to enter into amendments to Contract No. PS 2019-134 with Cuyahoga Community College District and Contract No. PS 2019-150 with College Now Greater Cleveland, Inc. to continue to provide evidence or research-based programs and activities in City Neighborhood Resource and Recreation Centers, for up to eighteen additional months. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Finance to enter into an amendment to Contract No. PS 2019-209 with OhioGuidestone to continue to provide evidence or research-based programs and activities in City Neighborhood Resource and Recreation Centers, for up to eighteen additional months. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Ordinance | AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Community Development to enter into an agreement with CHN Housing Partners, and/or its affiliates, to provide emergency rental assistance to qualified residents. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Resolution | AN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Opposing Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost for signing the letter from Republican attorneys general to CVS and Walgreens warning against dispensing and mailing abortion pills and rebuking Walgreens for bowing to political pressure and declaring it will not dispense certain abortion pills in Ohio. | adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Emergency Resolution | AN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Supporting the Reproductive Rights ballot initiative, “The Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety”, and a citizen’s right to gather signatures to amend the Ohio Constitution with a simple majority of 50% plus one vote of the electorate. | adopted | Pass |
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