Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Finance, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/3/2025 2:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Mercedes Cotner Committee Room 217
The meeting will be live broadcast. See meeting notice for details.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
990-2024 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Mayor and the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to sell certain City-owned property no longer needed for the City’s public use located on East 105th Street and Churchill Avenue to the The NRP Group, or its designee, for purposes of residential development.   Not available Not available
1061-2024 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Determining that the establishment of the North Coast Waterfront New Community Authority will be conducive to the public safety, convenience, and welfare and is intended to result in the development of a new community and declaring the North Coast Waterfront New Community Authority to be organized and a body politic and corporate, and defining the boundary of the new community district; appointing members to the Board of Trustees to such authority and establishing related requirements; authorizing Intergovernmental Agreements; amending Sections 131.78, 455.09 and 455.10 of the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio, 1976, as amended, relating to parking fees; and declaring an emergency.   Not available Not available
1173-2024 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Port Control, Public Works and/or Capital Projects, as appropriate, to enter into one or more submerged land leases with the State of Ohio and future consent to sub-lease with various tenants for the submerged land from West 3rd Street to approximately East 49th Street, for a term up to ninety-nine years, with two fifty-year options to renew, exercisable by the Director of Port Control; and to replace, modify, amend, extend, or otherwise adjust existing identified submerged land leases and sub-leases.   Not available Not available
43-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Finance, on behalf of the Office of Prevention, Intervention and Opportunity for Youth and Young Adults, to employ one or more professional consultants to design and implement projects to support the transformation of City recreation centers into trauma-informed neighborhood resource and recreation centers; to develop and provide programs and activities for youth and their families to serve as tools to prevent violence, develop skills and knowledge to overcome challenges associated with trauma and toxic stress, and to create opportunities for youth and their families to live quality lives, for a period up to eighteen months, with one option to renew for a period up to eighteen months, exercisable by the Director of Finance.   Not available Not available
119-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Mayor and the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to purchase property for park purposes located between Starkweather and Professor Avenues to expand “Lucky Park”; and amend a property adoption agreement with Tremont West Development Corporation relating to maintaining and improving the park.   Not available Not available
122-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Public Safety to apply for and accept a grant from the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation for the Safety Intervention Grant for Firefighter Exposure to Environmental Elements for the Division of Fire, Department of Public Safety.   Not available Not available
123-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Public Safety to apply for and accept a grant from the United States Department of Homeland Security for the FY 24 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program; and authorizing the Director to enter into one or more contracts for three air compressors, thirty-five multi-gas meters and associated equipment, for the Division of Fire, Department of Public Safety.   Not available Not available
156-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To make appropriations and provide current expenses for the daily operation of all municipal departments of the City of Cleveland for the fiscal year from January 1, 2025 until December 31, 2025.   Not available Not available
177-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To amend Section 50 of Ordinance No. 194-2021, passed March 29, 2021, as amended, relating to compensation for various classifications.   Not available Not available
236-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Declaring April 2025 Child Abuse Prevention Month.   Not available Not available
250-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To exempt certain property parcels from tax abatement policies under Ordinance No. 482-2022, passed May 25, 2022, relating to Community Reinvestment Areas.   Not available Not available
252-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Strongly opposing Senate Bill 1, and urging the Ohio House of Representatives to defeat this bill that would prohibit diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts at Ohio’s public universities of higher education.   Not available Not available