Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 2/10/2025 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
The meeting will be live broadcast. See meeting notice for details.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
Item-994 1  ItemCleveland City Council Meeting Notice for February 10, 2025   Action details Not available
175-2025 1  Communication#65215090600. New License Application, C2. Ohio Springs, Inc., 6200 Brookpark Rd. (Ward 13).received and filed  Action details Not available
183-2025 1  Communication#01630200005. Stock Transfer Application, D5A D6. American Hospitality Management, Inc., 6955 Euclid Ave. (Ward 7).received and filed  Action details Not available
184-2025 1  Communication#7982100. Transfer of Ownership Application, C1. 7900 K & M Mart, Inc., 7900 Kinsman Rd. (Ward 5).received and filed  Action details Not available
185-2025 1  Communication#02974110005. Transfer of Ownership Application, C2 C2X D6. Ashapura Krupa LLC, 4282 West 130th St. (Ward 16).received and filed  Action details Not available
205-2025 1  AppointmentFrom Mayor’s Appointment Chair Kris Harsh. Recommending the appointment of Hazel Gutierrez Remesch to the Fair Housing Board to a term ending December 1, 2027, pursuant to Section 665.05 of the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio. Without objection, the appointment is approved.approvedPass Action details Not available
206-2025 1  AppointmentFrom Mayor’s Appointment Chair Kris Harsh. Recommending the appointment of Jennifer A. Johns to the Cleveland Lead Safe Advisory Board to a four-year term, pursuant to Section 365.07(a) of the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio.approvedPass Action details Not available
190-2025 1  Ceremonial ResolutionCondolence Resolution for Gerald Henleyread into the record  Action details Not available
192-2025 1  Ceremonial ResolutionCondolence Resolution for Otis Goodrumread into the record  Action details Not available
198-2025 1  Ceremonial ResolutionCondolence Resolution for Joseph Sadieread into the record  Action details Not available
200-2025 1  Ceremonial ResolutionCondolence Resolution for Susan "Sue" Doerferread into the record  Action details Not available
201-2025 1  Ceremonial ResolutionCondolence Resolution Pastor Ronald A. Leeread into the record  Action details Not available
202-2025 1  Ceremonial ResolutionCondolence Resolution for Thomas N. Sackread into the record  Action details Not available
208-2025 1  Ceremonial ResolutionCondolence Resolution for Moses Garnerread into the record  Action details Not available
209-2025 1  Ceremonial ResolutionCondolence Resolution for Ronald Leeread into the record  Action details Not available
210-2025 1  Ceremonial ResolutionCondolence Resolution for Zeddie Coleyread into the record  Action details Not available
203-2025 1  Ceremonial ResolutionCongratulations Resolution for Javert "Jaye" Haynesread into the record  Action details Not available
204-2025 1  Ceremonial ResolutionCongratulations Resolution for Lynn Scheerhornread into the record  Action details Not available
176-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Public Works to enter into an amendment to Contract No. MA1505-RC 2022-32 with Lorain County Landfill, LLC, to add additional services for the handling and disposal of solid waste and referred to administrative review  Action details Not available
177-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To amend Section 50 of Ordinance No. 194-2021, passed March 29, 2021, as amended, relating to compensation for various and referred to administrative review  Action details Not available
178-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Capital Projects to employ one or more professional consultants for the preliminary design, the final design, and construction services relating to rehabilitation of the Carter Road Lift Bridge; to apply for and accept any gifts, grants, or loans from the appropriate State of Ohio department or other public or private entity or agency for the rehabilitation of the Carter Road Lift and referred to administrative review  Action details Not available
186-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To amend Sections 607.15 of the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio, 1976, relating to the illegal distribution of cigarettes, other tobacco products or alternative nicotine and referred to administrative review  Action details Not available
187-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To supplement the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio, 1976, by enacting new Sections 235A.01 through 235A.11 and 235A.99, relating to tobacco retail and referred to administrative review  Action details Not available
179-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of the Department of Community Development to enter into agreement with iFilm, Inc. for the Ward 4 Community Awareness Campaign through the use of Ward 4 Casino Revenue Funds.approvedPass Action details Not available
180-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Consenting and approving the issuance of a permit for the Donut Worry Run Happy 5K on October 18, 2025, managed by Hermes Sports & Events.approvedPass Action details Not available
181-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of the Department of Community Development to enter into agreement with University Settlement, Incorporated for the University Settlement Hunger Center through the use of Wards 5 and 12 Casino Revenue Funds.approvedPass Action details Not available
188-2025 1  OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE To enact new Section 347.21 of the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio, 1976, relating to smoke and referred to administrative review  Action details Not available
189-2025 1  OrdinanceAN ORDINANCE To supplement the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio, 1976, by enacting new Section 350.121 relating to window sign coverage limitation and to amend Section 3104.02 of the codified ordinances, as amended by Ordinance No. 388-2024, passed April 1, 2024, relating to civil and referred to administrative review  Action details Not available
182-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Objecting to the transfer of ownership of a C1 and C2 Liquor Permit to 3111 East 93rd Street.adoptedPass Action details Not available
191-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Approving the appointment of Shandra Moreira-Benito to the Community Police Commission.adoptedPass Action details Not available
193-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Approving the appointment of Tera Coleman to the Community Police Commission.adoptedPass Action details Not available
194-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Approving the appointment of Sheila Mason to the Community Police Commission.adoptedPass Action details Not available
195-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Approving the appointment of Maya Kincaid to the Community Police Commission.adoptedPass Action details Not available
196-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Approving the appointment of Untaya Miller to the Community Police Commission.adoptedPass Action details Not available
197-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Approving the appointment of Michael Nelson to the Community Police Commission.adoptedPass Action details Not available
199-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Approving the appointment of Sharena Zayed to the Community Police Commission.adoptedPass Action details Not available
207-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Objecting to the transfer of ownership of a C1 Liquor Permit to 7900 Kinsman Road.adoptedPass Action details Not available
1116-2021 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Mayor and the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to acquire the Martin Luther King, Jr. High School and property located at 1651 East 71st Street for future redevelopment for the Department of Community Development; to convey the property to Structures Unlimited, LLC, or their designee; and to enter into an agreement between the City and the Redeveloper.approvedPass Action details Not available
1321-2024 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Finance, on behalf of the Office of Sustainability, to enter into an agreement with Johns Hopkins University, for the placement of three in-kind support staff members and funding to design, develop and implement solutions to address climate change and climate inequity, for a period of three years.approved as amendedPass Action details Not available
42-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Public Health to transfer property located at 4242 Lorain Avenue to the control, possession, and use of the Department of Community Development or Economic Development; authorizing the sale or lease of the property to Pennrose Holdings, or its designee, for future redevelopment; and authorizing the Directors of Public Health, Community Development, and Economic Development and Pennrose Holdings to enter into a development agreement relating to this ordinance.approvedPass Action details Not available
45-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To supplement Ordinance No. 746-2024, passed August 7, 2024, relating to the Bedrock .41 TIF District by adding three new whereas clauses and Sections 9a, 9b, 9c, 9d, 9e, and 9f; to repeal Section 9 and to amend Section 10, relating to authorizing the Director of Economic Development to enter into a tax increment financing agreement and the Director of Capital Projects to enter into one or more construction-management agreements with Cleveland LD, LLC for various public improvements; and authorizing other agreements and documents.approved as amendedPass Action details Not available
95-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Mayor and the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to acquire and re-convey properties presently owned by TDG Franklin North LLC, and/or its designee, located at 3210 Franklin Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44113 for the purpose of entering into the chain-of-title prior to the adoption of tax increment financing legislation authorized under Section 5709.41 of the Revised Code for the Franklin Yards North Project.approvedPass Action details Not available
96-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Mayor and the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to acquire and re-convey properties presently owned by TDG Franklin Realty, LLC, and/or its designee, located at 3105 Franklin Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44113 for the purpose of entering into the chain-of-title prior to the adoption of tax increment financing legislation authorized under Section 5709.41 of the Revised Code for the Franklin Yards South Project.approvedPass Action details Not available
105-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Port Control to exercise the second option to renew Lease Agreement No. CT 3001 LS 2023-010 with PrimeFlight Aviation Services, Inc., for the lease of office space at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport to support wheelchair operations, ground handling and maintenance services.approvedPass Action details Not available
106-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Port Control to exercise the second option to renew Contract No. PS 2023-0167 with Recess Creative, LLC to provide marketing, promotional, public relations and advertising services, including materials, equipment and supplies necessary to promote Cleveland Hopkins International Airport and Burke Lakefront Airport for the Department of Port Control.approvedPass Action details Not available
107-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Port Control to enter into a triple-net lease agreement with PrimeFlight Aviation Services, Inc. to lease certain space located at Building No. 208 at 5851 Cargo Road at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, for office and storage space to support aviation ground handling operations and ground service equipment maintenance for various airlines at the airport, for a term of one year, with four one-year options to renew, exercisable by the Director of Port Control.approvedPass Action details Not available
112-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Port Control to enter into an amendment to lease agreement LS 2024-0021 with Aircraft Service International, Inc. dba Menzies Aviation, to add a provision for the location and repair of disabled vehicles.approvedPass Action details Not available
121-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To amend the title and Sections 1, 4 and 5 of Ordinance No. 1365-2023, passed December 4, 2023, and to supplement the ordinance by adding new Section 4a, relating to the FY24 and FY25 Airport Capital Improvement Plan.approvedPass Action details Not available