Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/3/2025 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
The meeting will be live broadcast. See meeting notice for details.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
Item-1008 1  ItemCleveland City Council Meeting Notice for March 3, 2025   Action details Not available
286-2025 1  CommunicationFrom Michael Golden, Associate Developer, Pennrose, LLC. Notice of intent to apply to Ohio Housing Finance Agency for multifamily funding programs for the development known as Lorain Avenue redevelopment on the former McCafferty Health Center property at 4242 Lorain Avenue (Ward 3), Cleveland, Ohio.received and filed  Action details Not available
287-2025 1  CommunicationFrom Jalisa Neal, Development Project Manager, Emerald Development and Economic Network (EDEN), Inc. Notice of intent to apply to Ohio Housing Finance Agency for multifamily funding programs for the development known as Northridge Commons at 10426 Detroit Avenue (Ward 15), Cleveland, Ohio.received and filed  Action details Not available
288-2025 1  CommunicationFrom Jimmy McCune, Vice President-Development, Wallick Development LLC. Notice of intent to apply to Ohio Housing Finance Agency for multifamily funding programs for the development known as The Depot Lofts at 30th at 3119 Train Avenue (Ward 3), Cleveland, Ohio.received and filed  Action details Not available
291-2025 1  CommunicationFrom Director Alexandria Nichols, Department of Parks and Recreation, City of Cleveland. Notice of gift acceptance of 15 Peloton Bikes from Cleveland Clinic Foundation for Collinwood, Cudell, Estabrook and Glenville Recreation Centers.received and filed  Action details Not available
292-2025 1  CommunicationFrom Director David Margolius, Department of Public Health, City of Cleveland. Notice of gift acceptance of trees from Cleveland Tree Coalition for the Division of Air Quality, valued at $6,000.received and filed  Action details Not available
309-2025 1  CommunicationFrom Jimmy McCune, Vice President-Development, Wallick Development LLC. Notice of intent to apply to Ohio Housing Finance Agency for multifamily funding programs for the development known as Wade Park Station located at about 12308 Wade Park Avenue (Ward 9), Cleveland, Ohio.received and filed  Action details Not available
310-2025 1  CommunicationFrom Brian McGeady, President, Pivotal Development LLC. Notice of intent to apply to Ohio Housing Finance Agency for multifamily funding programs for the development known as Hub 27 Phase II located at about 2500 West 27th Street (Ward 3), Cleveland, Ohio.received and filed  Action details Not available
317-2025 1  CommunicationFrom Kevin Brown, Director of Senior Housing Development, National Church Residences. Notice of intent to apply to Ohio Housing Finance Agency for multifamily funding programs for a senior housing development on Lancashire Road in Cleveland Heights, Ohio.received and filed  Action details Not available
282-2025 1  Communication#2880115. Transfer of Ownership Application, D5. Frankfort Bistro LLC, 620 Frankfort Ave. (Ward 3).received and filed  Action details Not available
283-2025 1  Communication#3953986. New License Application, C2. Honeybirch Limited LLC, 12204 Larchmere Blvd. (Ward 6).received and filed  Action details Not available
284-2025 1  Communication#2562971. New License Application, C1. Euclid Oil LLC, 16601 Euclid Ave. (Ward 10).received and filed  Action details Not available
285-2025 1  Communication#90530790003. Transfer of Location Application, D2 D2X D3 D3A. Triple Threat, Inc., 6400-02 St. Clair Ave. (Ward 7).received and filed  Action details Not available
311-2025 1  Communication#24457950010. Transfer of License Application, D2 D2X D3 D3A D6. Edwins Butcher Shop & Training Center LLC, 13024 Buckeye Rd. (Ward 4).received and filed  Action details Not available
312-2025 1  Communication#0908817. New License Application, D1. Brasas y Salsas LLC, 3382 West 44th St. (Ward 14).received and filed  Action details Not available
289-2025 1  AppointmentAppointment of Councilwoman Jasmin Santana to the Cleveland Housing Investment Fund Program (Loan) Review Committee as a voting member, pursuant to Ord. No. 637-2024, passed September 30, 2024. Without objection, the appointment is approved.approvedPass Action details Not available
290-2025 1  AppointmentAppointment of Councilman Anthony T. Hairston to the Cleveland Housing Investment Fund Program (Loan) Review Committee as a voting member, pursuant to Ord. No. 637-2024, passed September 30, 2024. Without objection, the appointment is approved.approvedPass Action details Not available
314-2025 1  Ceremonial ResolutionRecognition Resolution for Amarelis Mercedread into the record  Action details Not available
315-2025 1  Ceremonial ResolutionRecognition Resolution for Anastasia Maloneread into the record  Action details Not available
293-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the purchase by one or more requirement contracts of materials, equipment, supplies, and services needed to repair, replace, and maintain the high-voltage static transmission pipe-type cable system components and for emergency oil spill cleanup, including labor and installation, if necessary, for the Division of Cleveland Public Power, Department of Public Utilities, for a period of two years, with two one-year options to renew, the first of which is exercisable through additional legislative and referred to administrative review  Action details Not available
294-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the purchase by one or more requirement contracts of labor and materials necessary to maintain, test, evaluate, repair, or replace roofs and appurtenances, including but not limited to roofing systems, for the various divisions of the Department of Public Utilities, for a period of two and referred to administrative review  Action details Not available
303-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To supplement Ordinance No. 549-2023, passed May 22, 2023, to add new Section 10 relating to a grant from Ohio EPA for operation of Division of Air Quality, to add authority to enter into a contract with Teledyne API for the purchase of air monitoring and referred to administrative review  Action details Not available
304-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To amend Section 551.111 of the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio, 1976, as amended by Ordinance No. 974-13, passed December 1, 2014, relating to setting out an excessively large quantity of waste for collection prohibited; applicability; and referred to administrative review  Action details Not available
305-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To amend Section 551.112 of the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio, 1976, as amended by Ordinance No. 2393-02, passed February 2, 2003, relating to fees for dumpster and compactor rentals; and; To amend Section 551.301 of the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio, 1976, as amended by Ordinance No. 676-A-82, passed June 21, 1982, relating to service charges for tire and referred to administrative review  Action details Not available
306-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the purchase by one or more requirement contracts for the transfer and disposal of tires, for the Division of Waste Collection and Disposal, Department of Public Works, for a term of two and referred to administrative review  Action details Not available
295-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To amend Section 1 of Ordinance No. 115-2025, passed January 27, 2025, relating to a First Amendment Agreement with Cleveland Public Theatre for Cleveland City Council.approvedPass Action details Not available
296-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To amend Section 1 of Ordinance No. 114-2025, passed January 27, 2025, relating to a First Amendment Agreement with Cleveland Public Theatre for Cleveland City Council.approvedPass Action details Not available
297-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To amend Section 1 of Ordinance No. 158-2025, passed February 3, 2025, relating to a First Amendment Agreement with Burten, Bell, Carr Development, Inc. for Cleveland City Council.approvedPass Action details Not available
308-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Clerk of Council to enter into a Third Amendment to the agreement with iVideo to authorize additional professional services necessary for the implementation and installation of various components of the video production system in the Mercedes Cotner Committee Room and to provide an extended warranty, system maintenance and software maintenance for Cleveland City Council.approvedPass Action details Not available
313-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Consenting and approving the issuance of a permit for the TJ Carrie Heart Warrior Run/Walk, June 28, 2025, managed by Hermes Sports & Events.approvedPass Action details Not available
298-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Declaring the intent to vacate a portion of East 70th and referred to administrative review  Action details Not available
299-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Declaring the intent to vacate a portion of East 71st and referred to administrative review  Action details Not available
300-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Declaring the intent to vacate a portion of East 73rd and referred to administrative review  Action details Not available
301-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Declaring the intent to vacate a portion of Hancock and referred to administrative review  Action details Not available
302-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Objecting to a New C2 Liquor Permit at 12204 Larchmere Blvd.adoptedPass Action details Not available
307-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Fixing the date of the next regular meeting of Council.adoptedPass Action details Not available
316-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Objecting to a New C1 Liquor Permit at 16601 Euclid Avenue.adoptedPass Action details Not available
156-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To make appropriations and provide current expenses for the daily operation of all municipal departments of the City of Cleveland for the fiscal year from January 1, 2025 until December 31, 2025.passed on second reading  Action details Not available
990-2024 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Mayor and the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to sell certain City-owned property no longer needed for the City’s public use located on East 105th Street and Churchill Avenue to the The NRP Group, or its designee, for purposes of residential development.approvedPass Action details Not available
1061-2024 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Determining that the establishment of the North Coast Waterfront New Community Authority will be conducive to the public safety, convenience, and welfare and is intended to result in the development of a new community and declaring the North Coast Waterfront New Community Authority to be organized and a body politic and corporate, and defining the boundary of the new community district; appointing members to the Board of Trustees to such authority and establishing related requirements; authorizing Intergovernmental Agreements; amending Sections 131.78, 455.09 and 455.10 of the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio, 1976, as amended, relating to parking fees; and declaring an emergency.approved as amendedPass Action details Not available
1173-2024 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Port Control, Public Works and/or Capital Projects, as appropriate, to enter into one or more submerged land leases with the State of Ohio and future consent to sub-lease with various tenants for the submerged land from West 3rd Street to approximately East 49th Street, for a term up to ninety-nine years, with two fifty-year options to renew, exercisable by the Director of Port Control; and to replace, modify, amend, extend, or otherwise adjust existing identified submerged land leases and sub-leases.approvedPass Action details Not available
43-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Finance, on behalf of the Office of Prevention, Intervention and Opportunity for Youth and Young Adults, to employ one or more professional consultants to design and implement projects to support the transformation of City recreation centers into trauma-informed neighborhood resource and recreation centers; to develop and provide programs and activities for youth and their families to serve as tools to prevent violence, develop skills and knowledge to overcome challenges associated with trauma and toxic stress, and to create opportunities for youth and their families to live quality lives, for a period up to eighteen months, with one option to renew for a period up to eighteen months, exercisable by the Director of Finance.approved as amendedPass Action details Not available
119-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Mayor and the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies to purchase property for park purposes located between Starkweather and Professor Avenues to expand “Lucky Park”; and amend a property adoption agreement with Tremont West Development Corporation relating to maintaining and improving the park.approvedPass Action details Not available
122-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Public Safety to apply for and accept a grant from the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation for the Safety Intervention Grant for Firefighter Exposure to Environmental Elements for the Division of Fire, Department of Public Safety.approvedPass Action details Not available
123-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Public Safety to apply for and accept a grant from the United States Department of Homeland Security for the FY 24 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program; and authorizing the Director to enter into one or more contracts for three air compressors, thirty-five multi-gas meters and associated equipment, for the Division of Fire, Department of Public Safety.approvedPass Action details Not available
177-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To amend Section 50 of Ordinance No. 194-2021, passed March 29, 2021, as amended, relating to compensation for various classifications.approvedPass Action details Not available
250-2025 1  Emergency OrdinanceAN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE To exempt certain property parcels from tax abatement policies under Ordinance No. 482-2022, passed May 25, 2022, relating to Community Reinvestment Areas.approvedPass Action details Not available
236-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Declaring April 2025 Child Abuse Prevention Month.adoptedPass Action details Not available
252-2025 1  Emergency ResolutionAN EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Strongly opposing Senate Bill 1, and urging the Ohio House of Representatives to defeat this bill that would prohibit diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts at Ohio’s public universities of higher education.adoptedPass Action details Not available