File #: 714-2024    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Emergency Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 7/5/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 8/7/2024 Final action: 8/7/2024
Passage/adoption date: 8/7/2024
Effective date: 8/13/2024    
Title: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Capital Projects to issue a permit to TTE Real Estate Group LLC to encroach into the public right-of-way of an unnamed short street between West 7th Street and West 10th Street by using and maintaining an existing driveway for access, parking and handicapped access/parking.
Sponsors: Kerry McCormack, Kevin L. Bishop, Anthony T. Hairston, By Departmental Request
Attachments: 1. 714-2024-Encr - TTE Real Estate dba Mosiac into unnamed strreet b. W 7 and W 10, 2. 714-2024 Executive Summary, 3. FINAL VERSION - CITY RECORD 8/16/24 Page 44


AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Capital Projects to issue a permit to TTE Real Estate Group LLC to encroach into the public right-of-way of an unnamed short street between West 7th Street and West 10th Street by using and maintaining an existing driveway for access, parking and handicapped access/parking.